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Game Guides

Game Guides are players just like you, but they have been playing the game for a long time and have volunteered to help other players.

Guides do not receive any remuneration or gems.  Many think we do, but we don't.  Our only perks are unlimited characters in private messages.  This is so we can easily answer your questions.

We have no special relationship with Admin and can't answer questions which directly relate to Admin and we can't speak directly to the developers or head office.

To find a Guide ...

On PC, click on the gear wheel, then click on Guides.  You will see a list of Guides.  Those who are online should have a green light next to their name.  They are listed in order of Experience Ranking, not importance!

On the app, tap the three lines in the lower right hand corner, then tap

-  Settings

-  How to Play

-  Guides

Again, you can see who is online.

Be Aware that the light system is not foolproof.  There are many times in which a Guide is online, but the light next to their name is off.  Also, just as many times, the light does not go off when they have logged out.  

Guides can be very busy at times, so your message may not receive an immediate response.  Please be patient.  

Guidelines when contacting a Guide

I know I'm repeating myself, but it's important that you know that Guides are listed by their game ranking, not by knowledge or importance.  We all have different 'specialties' and knowledge.  It's a good idea to read the Profile page of any Guides.  It may give you clues as to whom you want to direct your question. 

Guides DO NOT know everything, but most will always endeavour to find out if you ask something we are unfamiliar with.  Unfortunately, I have come across some Guides who will give an answer, despite having no knowledge, or proven experience in what they are being asked.  The reputable ones will always offer to find out and get back to you.  I can't tell you which are the more reputable, but I can tell you it has nothing to do with level.  Personally, I would tend to trust the answers of Thyriah, Red Queen, Katherine_Amara and PurpleBondGirl, and myself (obviously) more than most.  نهووش is a good contact for those who wish to ask questions in Arabic.

DO NOT ask every Guide the same question.  You risk being blocked by all of them!!

ALWAYS tell the Guide whether you are on PC or the app.  This helps them and helps you to get the best answer more quickly.

Ask the question on your first contact.  Don't ask whether you can ask a question.  We have lives too.  We don't want to be answering you and then waiting for the real question!  Ask it up front!  If we are not online, we can answer you when we get to it.  Asking whether you can ask the question will cause delays and annoyances!

DO NOT send messages which say 'hello' or the like.  You not only risk being blocked, but you are clearly demonstrating that you are a child - this game is for ages 18+, not children!  There are many paedophiles playing the game.  It  is the perfect grooming ground for them!!  I have known them to pose as teenage boys, which seems to send the teeny boppers wild with anticipation!!  The worst is still playing the game.  He is posing as a middle aged woman and is actually the husband of another player on the prowl!! He even had me fooled, although I knew something wasn't right when he preferred talking to my 14 year old VP every day.  She suddenly left the game without saying a thing, which was unlike her.  Don't go talking to people you don't know!!  Be Warned!!  Befriending a Guide does not make you important or give you any advantage in the game, and there is absolutely no guarantee that the Guide you are talking to isn't a paedophile.  Just ask your questions and don't go seeking to make friends with them.

For faster help, (which will often spark debate among the guides if a controversial subject) go to our chat room .. GlamGuides.  There is almost always someone online who can help you.

Just remember ....


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