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Forum - How To


At the time you enter your details to log in, you will have the option to be automatically logged in on every visit, and/or to hide your online status during this session.  Just click whichever box is applicable. 


Once you have logged in, you will see this board.  To return to it at any time, click on Board index


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Check the date on posts.  Some of them are quite old. This doesn't prevent you from adding to them, but often they are no longer monitored.

These topics are all current.  The name shown is the person who made the last post

This padlock signifies that this post is now closed.  Nothing can be added to it.


To set your preferences, click on User Control Panel.  I would suggest that you have a wander around your preferences and see what you would like to change.  One of the most useful areas is the Profile tab.  This is where you can add a signature for your posts, also an avatar and Edit your account settings.  

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Setting your signature, so it shows on each of your posts, is the same as preparing a game comment, but you have more options.

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Once you have added everything you want for your signature and formatted it, you have the option of previewing what you have done.  At the bottom of the post are the words Reset  Preview  Submit - click on Preview and you will see if it has been formatted correctly ...

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You don't have to stick with text.  You can also add a picture, but it isn't allowed to be more than 250 pixels high and 300 pixels wide. 

When entering competitions, you will need to add your name and ID number - your ID number shows on your internet address (mine is 2498824 as shown at the end of my internet address when I click on Profile in the game .  It is easier to add your name and Profile ID to a signature, rather than manually entering them each time. 

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Now that you're set up, go and investigate what games and contests you'd like to enter. 


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